My friends husband died suddenly at the weekend. I found out on the day we celebrated another friends 21 st. My friends husband died in his sleep, on his 21 st Joe jumped out of a plane and survived.
This seems incongruous to me. One high risk activity led to a new vitality and the other everyday , normal activity ended up in death. It is a bit difficult to process really.
My mum was a healthy young woman, in the prime of her life. Lots of friends , a job she loved and us- her daughters and husband. At 38 she was diagnosed with M.S and over the next 20 years she died a slow and painful death. Literally.
The point of this morbid post ( sorry) is that this past week it's really hit home how short life is and how privileged we are to live it. Live life to the fullest. Of course we have to work ,grocery shop ,clean the house and do all the other mundane things that keep us going practically. But find joy in the small things. Hug your loved ones more often. Smile. Be kind. Choose your attitude